Reading, Writing and Deleting YAML
Original tutorial from Wrong's post, made by kspade.
This tutorial has been updated, and requires skUtilites. You can download it here.
y[a]ml (value|nodes|nodes with keys|list) %string% (from|of) file %string%
Here's an example PvP kit script. You can use this script to help you.
This is the script file. Put this in your /plugins/Skript/scripts folder.
This is the yaml file. You can put this anywhere you want in your server, as long as you change the file path in the script options.
This tutorial has been updated, and requires skUtilites. You can download it here.
y[a]ml (value|nodes|nodes with keys|list) %string% (from|of) file %string%
[skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml value %string% (from|of) file %string%
[skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %-string%
[skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %-string%
[skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %-string%
[skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %-string%
[skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %-string%
[skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %-string%
set [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml value %string% (from|of) file %string% to %object%
add %object% to [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %string%
add %object% to [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%
add %object% to [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%
add %object% to [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %string%
add %object% to [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%
add %object% to [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%
delete [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml value %string% (from|of) file %string%
delete [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %string%
delete [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%
delete [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%
delete [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %string%
delete [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%
delete [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%
remove %object% from [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml nodes %string% (from|of) file %string%
remove %object% from [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%
remove %object% from [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%
remove %object% from [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml node[s with] keys %string% (from|of) file %string%
remove %object% from [skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml list %string% (from|of) file %string%
[skutil[ities] ]y[a]ml[ path] %string% in file %-string% does(n't| not) exist
Here's an example PvP kit script. You can use this script to help you.
This is the script file. Put this in your /plugins/Skript/scripts folder.
prefix: &4PvP&cKitz &8|
file: yamlkits.yml
command /kit [<text>]:
permission: yaml.kit
if arg 1 is "new" or "add":
if arg 2 is not set:
send "{@prefix} &cMissing name! /kit new <name>"
# Setting a value
set skutil yaml value "kits.%arg 2%.enabled" from file "{@file}" to true
loop all items in player's inventory:
loop-item is not air
add "%number of loop-item in player's inventory% %loop-item's type%" to {_tempkit::*}
loop {_tempkit::*}:
# Setting a list
add loop-value to skutil yaml list "kits.%arg 2%.items" from file "{@file}"
send "{@prefix} &2Kit has been created."
else if arg 1 is "enable" or "disable":
set {_exists} to skutil yaml value "kits.%arg 2%.enabled" from file "{@file}"
if {_exists} is set:
if arg-1 is "enable":
# Setting a value
set skutil yaml value "kits.%arg 2%.enabled" from file "{@file}" to true
send "{@prefix} &2Enabled kit %arg 2%"
# Setting a value
set skutil yaml value "kits.%arg 2%.enabled" from file "{@file}" to false
send "{@prefix} &4Disabled kit %arg 2%"
send "{@prefix} &cThis kit was not found"
else if arg 1 is "display" or "all":
if arg 2 is "-detail":
# Reading nodes with keys
set {_nodes::*} to skutil yaml nodes with keys "kits" from file "{@file}"
loop {_nodes::*}:
# Reading a value
set {_expand::%loop-value%} to skutil yaml value "kits.%loop-value%" from file "{@file}"
loop {_expand::*}:
send "%loop-index%: %loop-value%"
# Reading nodes
set {_nodes::*} to skutil yaml nodes "kits" from file "{@file}"
loop {_nodes::*}:
#reading value
skutil yaml value "kits.%loop-value%.enabled" from file "{@file}" is not true
delete {_nodes::%loop-index%}
send {_nodes::*}
# Reading a value
set {_enabled} to skutil yaml value "kits.%arg 1%.enabled" from file "{@file}"
if {_enabled} is true:
# Reading a list
set {_kits::*} to skutil yaml list "kits.%arg 1%.items" from file "{@file}"
loop {_kits::*}:
set {_kits::%loop-index%} to loop-value parsed as material
give player {_kits::*}
else if {_enabled} is false:
send "{@prefix} &xThis kit is disabled."
send "{@prefix} &cThis kit doesn't exist!%nl%{@prefix} &7Use &f/kit display -detail&7."
prefix: &4PvP&cKitz &8|
file: yamlkits.yml
command /kit [<text>]:
permission: yaml.kit
if arg 1 is "new" or "add":
if arg 2 is not set:
send "{@prefix} &cMissing name! /kit new <name>"
# Setting a value
set skutil yaml value "kits.%arg 2%.enabled" from file "{@file}" to true
loop all items in player's inventory:
loop-item is not air
add "%number of loop-item in player's inventory% %loop-item's type%" to {_tempkit::*}
loop {_tempkit::*}:
# Setting a list
add loop-value to skutil yaml list "kits.%arg 2%.items" from file "{@file}"
send "{@prefix} &2Kit has been created."
else if arg 1 is "enable" or "disable":
set {_exists} to skutil yaml value "kits.%arg 2%.enabled" from file "{@file}"
if {_exists} is set:
if arg-1 is "enable":
# Setting a value
set skutil yaml value "kits.%arg 2%.enabled" from file "{@file}" to true
send "{@prefix} &2Enabled kit %arg 2%"
# Setting a value
set skutil yaml value "kits.%arg 2%.enabled" from file "{@file}" to false
send "{@prefix} &4Disabled kit %arg 2%"
send "{@prefix} &cThis kit was not found"
else if arg 1 is "display" or "all":
if arg 2 is "-detail":
# Reading nodes with keys
set {_nodes::*} to skutil yaml nodes with keys "kits" from file "{@file}"
loop {_nodes::*}:
# Reading a value
set {_expand::%loop-value%} to skutil yaml value "kits.%loop-value%" from file "{@file}"
loop {_expand::*}:
send "%loop-index%: %loop-value%"
# Reading nodes
set {_nodes::*} to skutil yaml nodes "kits" from file "{@file}"
loop {_nodes::*}:
#reading value
skutil yaml value "kits.%loop-value%.enabled" from file "{@file}" is not true
delete {_nodes::%loop-index%}
send {_nodes::*}
# Reading a value
set {_enabled} to skutil yaml value "kits.%arg 1%.enabled" from file "{@file}"
if {_enabled} is true:
# Reading a list
set {_kits::*} to skutil yaml list "kits.%arg 1%.items" from file "{@file}"
loop {_kits::*}:
set {_kits::%loop-index%} to loop-value parsed as material
give player {_kits::*}
else if {_enabled} is false:
send "{@prefix} &xThis kit is disabled."
send "{@prefix} &cThis kit doesn't exist!%nl%{@prefix} &7Use &f/kit display -detail&7."
This is the yaml file. You can put this anywhere you want in your server, as long as you change the file path in the script options.
enabled: true
- 64 redstone
- 64 redstone torch on
- 64 redstone repeaters
- 64 redstone comparators
- 64 redstone blocks
- 64 sticky pistons
- 64 pistons
- 64 stone button
- 64 lever
enabled: true
- a wolf spawn egg
- 10 bones
- 1 name tag
enabled: false
- a diamond pickaxe
- a diamond sword
- a bow
- 64 arrows
enabled: true
- 64 redstone
- 64 redstone torch on
- 64 redstone repeaters
- 64 redstone comparators
- 64 redstone blocks
- 64 sticky pistons
- 64 pistons
- 64 stone button
- 64 lever
enabled: true
- a wolf spawn egg
- 10 bones
- 1 name tag
enabled: false
- a diamond pickaxe
- a diamond sword
- a bow
- 64 arrows