Technoblade curse script!
Hello! I have been working on a script where if you punch a pig, you get cursed by Technoblade's spirit and get damaged every minute!
I ran into a few errors but it works now!
on damage:
attacker is a player:
victim is a pig:
cancel event
execute command "/playsound entity.lightning_bolt.impact master %attacker% ~ ~ ~ 1 2"
send title "&c&lTechnoblade's spirit has cursed you!" to attacker
send action bar "&cYou will get &4damaged &cevery minute!" to attacker
set {technoblade.curse::%attacker's uuid%} to true
every minute:
loop all players:
if {technoblade.curse::%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
damage loop-player by 1 heart
attacker is a player:
victim is a pig:
cancel event
execute command "/playsound entity.lightning_bolt.impact master %attacker% ~ ~ ~ 1 2"
send title "&c&lTechnoblade's spirit has cursed you!" to attacker
send action bar "&cYou will get &4damaged &cevery minute!" to attacker
set {technoblade.curse::%attacker's uuid%} to true
every minute:
loop all players:
if {technoblade.curse::%loop-player's uuid%} is true:
damage loop-player by 1 heart
I ran into a few errors but it works now!