Skellett by LimeGlass 
All your Skript needs in one addon!
All your Skript needs in one addon!
- Updated to Skript 2.8.2 and Spigot 1.20.4
- Removed text components, they're in vanilla Skript now.
- Fixed Skellett not starting on 1.10 and lower due to the BlockSave syntaxes
- Fixed Bossbars not working on 1.9
- Fixed Skellett not working on Java 8
- Updated to Spigot 1.19.3
- Added new syntax to boost a player using a firework when they're in elytra mode
- Fixed conflicts with SkBee and the new bossbars that was added. (Defaults to SkBee's types, so if bossbars are broken, it's Skbee).
- Fixed a load chunk error in the load effect.
- Added more localization files.
- Fixed block data issues in versions lower than 1.9
- Lots of code cleaning and optimizations.
- Added fishing back
- Fixes a bug that disables SkBee or Skellett from running.
- Fixed a bug where the boss bar flag and a citizens condition could not find the correct classinfo for it's syntaxes. (Yes I know right, how was that even a thing)
- Fixed the NpcIsSpawned condition not working.
- Started to add .lang types, You can compile Skellett (or any of my addons) and add a Skript supported language in the /lang file.
- Added (npc|citizen)s? as the regex for the classinfo, so you can parse as an npc or citizen depending on if you have another citizens addon installed.
- Added fishing event, fishing state expression and the classinfos for them.
- Various class cleaning and optimizations.
- Removed Armour stand syntaxes, they're moved to Khoryl
- Removed the download effect as it was insecure and not practical.
- Removed the message center syntax as the client can have set their settings to be any chat length making this syntax not work.
- Recoded Chunk outline, Entity ID and more.
- Removed un-used BlockConstructor code.
- Added new syntax
Added 1.18 support.
Skellett will now be separated into two versions. Java 17 and Java 11. The Java 17 versions is for 1.18+ mc and the Java 11 is for other versions. Both included in a ZIP.
Skellett now runs autonomously on the github, so when a version or library Skellett uses gets updated. The GitHub will automatically get updated and publish a nightly build. You can grab a 1.18.2+ version of Skellett if Mojang decides to do that at the source code here https://github.com/TheLimeGlass/Skellett
Report issues at https://github.com/TheLimeGlass/Skellett/issues
Skellett is an open source free project developed over the years, any donations are welcome and appreciated thank you!
- Added block saves more below.
Here we are, 2 years later when Skellett rain vain.
This update isn't an addition update unfortunately. This update removes everything that is already added in Skript. Since the SkriptLang team has expanded and became more active, it really deprecates the usage of Skellett. Skellett became so popular because it had so many syntaxes that Skript didn't have yet. So today's update is the start of that change, lets get Skellett back to being useful, I plan on updating Skellett with more modern syntaxes that Skript has yet to add, or features that don't suit Skript.
15% of Skellett has been recoded in this update, and more to come. Thanks for choosing Skellett after all these years, and lets go for another couple more years.
Requirements: Skript 2.6+
Fixed some addon's conflict with scoreboard teams.
Added a syntax to get all the function names of current functions.
In this update I added the ability to configure the MySQL properties. You can read up about these at https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-j/5.1/en/connector-j-reference-configuration-properties.html
The MySQL.yml will have to be deleted then restart your server for these newer properties. The default properties allow for reconnection which helps you in the long term without reloading often.
The newer MySQL.yml is docmented so you can read up on that stuff.
- Strange bossbar bugs
- Bossbar crashing
- Bossbar last created version dependant
- Debug option crash
- Fixed wrong version crash issue
- Fixed debug colours not working
- Changed some register features
- Fixed some register bugs
- Cleaned some code up.
- Citizen type not registering on some events (event-citizen)
- NametagEdit support
- Paste schematic (more WorldEdit coming soon)
- Removed the old Nametag system (It was only for user in the same scoreboard)
#Info: You can still make a nametag system using Full scoreboards, which simulate the exact same thing.
- Changed Client time relative syntax
- Improved Actionbar parser time a little
- Changed entity can see condition
- Json/Interactive clickable books
- Expression to get a blank book
- Added indexes of list variable
- Actionbars not working in 1.12
- Fixed 3 Citizen 1.8 issues (Released in 1.9.3 on github)
1.12 todo list:
- Add 1.12 support for the titles
- Add 1.12 support for tablist
- Add 1.12 support for removing of arrows in player
Todo with text components:
- Add text component support for Bensku's json
- Add text component support for SkellettProxy
- Async world creation
- SkellettProxy switch server event
- Get folder path of a world
- Move file
- Copy file
- Fully tested 1.12 support
- DataWatcher grabber (Info below) (Ultimate entity data finder)
- DataWatcher type grabber (Info below)
- A bossbar issue
- Some SkellettProxy bugs
- Made the delete file accept directories
- Made the create file accept directories
- Bugs
- Bug in 1.12 where version dependent syntax were not getting registered (Due to unsupported version)
- Fixed an optional spamming issue caused by 1.12
- Fixed some syntax not working in 1.12
Fixes for SkellettProxy and adds server switch event
- 1.8 pvp reverter (Basically this turns 1.9+ pvp into 1.8 pvp all that built in)
- Skull owner
- Spigot material name getter
- Clicked row expressions
- Pastebin
- Made the cooldown syntax accept multiple players.
- Cooldown not accepting Numbers.
- Added support for 1.11+ ShulkerBox's in some inventory clicking syntax.
- Changed a debug message to be understood easier.
- Fixed a possible socket issue?
- Fixed a bug in 1.8.4 and lower 1.8 versions
- Added a doc generator for Mathhulks docs. Doesn't work at the moment, only preparing.
- Added a pastebin API generator
- Fixed a packet sending issue
- Changed a debug message for SkellettProxy to be easier to understand.
- Working on a system to auto update Skellett
Hello guys! Sorry about missing last week's update. Skellett releases an update every week and last week I was on vacation so I missed that update. Sorry about that. This update has alot of features to make up for that :emoji_stuck_out_tongue: Also thanks for almost 900+ downloads. We're so close to 1k! It's insane. Thank you!
- Full RedisBungee support
- A method invoke effect.
- Loaded chunks of a world
- Java version
- Date from milliseconds expression
- Material cooldowns
- The SkellettProxy connect player to server effect not accepting UUID's
- The ability to delete/reset network variables
- Bug where temporarily stored global script files were not being deleted.
- Added the ability to get methods from class strings. This also goes for the new invoke effect:
New Syntax:
1.12 prep and optimizations.
This Skellett version should work on 1.12+ when it comes out, unless Spigot or Mojang deside to modify some critical features. Enjoy
Thanks for 550,000+ registered minecraft users on servers using Skellett and for nearly 800+ downloads :emoji_grinning:
Fixed a critical bug where Skript wouldn't parse the reloaded global scripts properly.
This bug also had todo with the fix I had last version for the empty scripts folder not allowing global scripts.
Fixed minor bugs aswell.
- InventoryType expression now returns as a string. (Old support still works)
- Fixed spigot 1.7.2 and lower crashing due to packets.
- Fixed issue with bensku's edit and versions lower than spigot 1.10.
- Fixed comments not being generating in the files for SkellettProxy.yml and MySQL.yml.
- Made it so Skellett now reconnects to SkellettProxy if the bungeecord restarts.
- Fixed the empty scripts folder not allowing globalscripts (As said in my video tutorial)
- Fixed some null pointers
- Npc is navigating
You can now share variables between servers on your bungeecord server.
Basically this allows you set a variable on the bungeecord and then on another server call that variable.
Today I present to you Bungeecord side scripts!
You can place any of your scripts in the SkellettProxy/scripts folder on the bungeecord and SkellettProxy will load all these scripts in this folder across all of your bungeecord servers!
No more hastle of going into each server and updating each script manually. You can now edit everything from the SkellettProxy scripts folder! How cool is that!?
New settings: You can enable/disable GlobalScripts in the SkellettProxy config with the new setting. I will be adding more configurable options to this as it's got alot that can be done. There is also a new option that can enable/disable the console messaging for when a script is reloaded or created.
You must have the "events" option enabled in the SkellettProxy.yml found at plugins/Skellett/SkellettProxy.yml on your Spigot server.
This Skellett version needs SkellettProxy 1.2.8 in order to run SkellettProxy stuff!
I have been getting litterally 20+ messages a day saying that Skellett and SkellettProxy aren't working. Sorry about that lol. I just didn't have any time to work on a fix. Now I have some time and here is a fix and tested.
- Citizens Attack (Requested by @pepper82)
- Server tick
Fixed a few other things.
- Hanging event + every spigot event value. The hanging event deals with Item frames, fence leashes or painting.
- Condition to test if a player can see a player with the protocol hidden syntax.
- Statistics support (Requested by @Blueyescat)
- Blocks outlining chunk
- Changed from MCstats to bStats for metrics https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/Skellett
- A critical bug where the SkellettProxy.yml port would reset all the time if it wasn't a port that Skellett liked. (Reported by @NeNex)
- Fixed the SkellettProxy port not accepting anything but 4 digit ports. You can now put any port you want. (Reported by @NeNex)
- Add page with string being split into mulitple pages (Reported by @Blueyescat)
- Fixed pages being added to random items throwing errors
- Harmless MySQL null pointers
- Alot of minor bug fixes
- 6+ null pointers
- Client chest open and close animation
- A bunch of beta syntax that are disabled because they broke? .-.
- Load chunk
- Unload chunk
- Itemframe rotation and item within (Suggestion from @Rixic)
- PlaceholderAPI attempt? PlaceholderAPI always returns the input. Atleast for my 1.11.2 version. I need to contact Clip which I have, waiting for reply.
- Added all Skellett events to the docs
- Added option to fix muliple queries issues.
- Fixed weird suppressed warning on all expressions. (Internal)
- Changed second syntax of custom name disguise:
Added event-player event value to Packets
- Full packet support with every packet the client recieves and sends
- Some bug fixes
Basically packets are like a channel between the minecraft client and the minecraft server. These packets are what allow minecraft to function and communicate. With Skellett you can now intercept and manipulate these packets. Along with cancelling them. Skellett packets require no external dependency and include every single packet the client sends and recieves. This leads to alot of data manipulation and control over your server.
You can view all packets and data infomation here http://wiki.vg/Protocol
- Block durability
- Readded the string option for bungeecord UUID
- Some null pointers
- Bug fixes
Fixed a scoreboard issue where if you updated the slot and text at the same time, the text would get cut off.
Also made the scoreboards about 25% faster
- Crashing bug with image class
- Inventory rows size
- Make inventory size settable (Needs to be multiple of 9)
- Made open inventory effect not flash or move cursor of player
- Beta support for SQLite or any SQL driver. You can now input your class path and SQLite option.
- Added create a blank map.
- Fixed a critial bug when connecting to MySQL using the connect syntax.
- Small bugs
I made the Stylish scoreboards anti-flicker. No changes to the syntax or anything. I just rewrote the system so it doesn't flicker anymore :emoji_grinning:
I have tested it and with a TPS of 19.95+ you will get no flicker at all. But if you start to drop FPS like below 19.95 you start to see some flicker. This only happens when you contantly update the scoreboard ticks at a time like in this video. It won't flicker at all if you don't update by a tick everytime.
In this video i'm updating 15 lines every tick. Which is insane and you can see no flicker running 19.96+ tps (In the video) but when it drops like I said you will notice flicker. This is shown in the video.
Example script:
Thanks to @Sashie for guiding me as to where the methods where :emoji_grinning:
- Clientside world borders. This means that these borders are only seen to a player.
- Some bug fixes
This update doesn't add much for the spigot side of things. This version is mainly used to support the new SkellettProxy update. You can read more about it here https://forums.skunity.com/resources/skellettproxy.87/update?update=225
I fixed a few small bugs though.
Enjoy and thanks for over 300 downloads :D It means alot. Thank you.
- Update inventory
- Open book client side
- Hitbox sizes of entities
- Player viewing credits
- Entity in water
- Full spawner support
- Add page with string not working
- More null pointers
- Custom name toggle
- Multiple slot expression
- Fixed creating scoreboard not working
- Fixed some bugs
- Fixed some null pointers
- Citizen get Npc by ID or Entity
- PlayerPoints support
- SkellettProxy online status
- Folders being generated when using the create file syntax or using yaml with a file that didn't exist.
- Fixed Seemless potion's syntax not working.
- Fixed a critical bug that made Skellett not work on 1.8-1.10 versions
- Fixed some null pointers
Yes it's true. For the first time in Skript history you will now be able to run ANY effect on another server connected to your bungeecord! This means cross variable sharing, Data transfering and so much more!
- Full control over all servers and Bungeecord (Mainly a feature for myself)
- Communication between all servers
- Probably alot of bugs. If you find any please report
- Some bugs
- Support for the new server watcher in SkellettProxy
- Added Max players of bungeecord server
- Changed syntax:
- A Tuske issue
- Some syntax interference as reported by @Snow-Pyon :D
- Code clean
- Updated some syntax to new style
- Bug fixes
- More null pointer fixes
- Changed a bolding format in the /skellett syntax toggles.
- A little bit of code cleaning. No noticeable change.
- Fixed a 1.8 bug with the breeding event.
- Fixed a few null pointers.
- Fixed not being able to change the age of zombies.
- Changed syntax:
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The most popular Skript addon